%% Generate a random low-rank matrix % A is the true matrix. A = randn(300,10)*randn(10,100); % randomly remove 20% entries of A. F = A.*(rand(size(A))<0.8); % find the indexes of known elements. idx = find(F~=0); % add some noise on the known elements. F(idx) = F(idx) + normrnd(0,0.1,size(idx)); %% Using proximal gradient to recover A. % initialization alpha = 0.3; X = zeros(size(F)); max_it = 800; gap_tol = 1e-12; tol = 1e-6; step_size = 1; primal_eng = zeros(1,max_it); dual_eng = zeros(1,max_it); for i = 1:max_it % TODO: apply proximal gradient on X % TODO: compute the primal energy % TODO: compute the dual variable from optimality condition % TODO: compute the dual energy from dual variable fprintf('%d-th iteration, primal-dual gap:%d\n', i, abs(dual_eng(1,i)+primal_eng(1,i))) % If the primal-dual gap is smaller than the gap_tol, we find % optimal X. if(abs(dual_eng(1,i)+primal_eng(1,i))